Selasa, 08 Oktober 2019

persian cat

Persian cat

Persian Cat Classification

Kingdom: Animalia 
Phylum: Chordata 
Class: Mammals 
Order: Carnivore 
Family: Felidae 
Genus: Felis
Species: F. Investigation 
Upspesies: Catus (cat)

Characteristic of a persian cat

Characteristics of Persian Cat Heads 

The head of a persian cat is a distinctive sign that is easy to remember. Persian cat heads are usually round with a flat face. The head diameter is bigger compared to other types of cats coupled with a wide set of eyes and a sweet expression. Her cheeks are quite plump and round, if in our terms it is chubby. The nose is more unique because the Persian cat has a flat nose between the rounded head, then the ear is quite small, thin, slightly rounded and tends to move forward.

Characteristics of Persian Cat Feet

Persian cat legs are arguably quite short but strong because they are supported by a fairly large leg bone size. Forelegs and hind legs are straight and are accompanied by different leg feathers colors. You can also recognize the persistent kiro traits of the Himalayan type from their leg feathers, because this type has different leg feathers compared to other Persian types. 

Characteristics of Persian Cat Claws

If you want to identify whether the cat you want to buy is a Persian cat, you can check it on the Persian cat's claws. Persian cat claws are quite large, rather round and look sturdy. It is equipped with five fingers on the front legs and only four fingers on the back legs. The characteristics of the persian cat in this part of the claw you can note or simply save it in your memory before deciding to buy a persian cat.

Fur on Persian cats 

All cats have fur but the fur of a Persian cat is very charming. Persian cat hair is synonymous with the word long, thick and shiny. The fur becomes an elegant coat for Persian cats because it covers all parts of the body.

 Characteristics of Persian Cat Tails 

It might be a bit difficult to recognize the characteristics of a persian cat if we look at it from the tail but you can consider this if you are still unsure about choosing a cat. The tail of a Persian cat is indeed almost the same as other cats, but the tail is more straight and thick fur. For the length of the tail itself usually follows the proportion of body size, so maybe you will find a short tail in the puppies of Persian cats. Persian Cat Body Shape Persian cats have stocky builds with thick body hair. Most of the body parts are round so that it makes it like a doll. Most people are attracted to persian cats because of their almost complete form of feathers on sturdy body parts, persian cats will also like it if you pamper them by caring for their fur.

The color of a persian cat

Persian cat colors are divided into 8 types of colors, namely solid colors, silver and golds, shaded and smoke, tabbies, particolor, bicolor, and himalayan. 

1. Solid Colors
Persian cats with solid colors are cats that have one color for their body which are usually black, blue, red, white, beige, purple and brown. In this type of solid color cat there is no mixing of other colors, for example black, yes all black fur. But you can also find white Persian cats that have blue eyes, or copper or even one blue and the other copper eyes. 

2. Silvers and Golds 
You can also find silver and gold Persian cats in Chinchilla Persian cats, although many consider that Chinchillas are a separate cat breed, but there are some countries that consider this a special type of Persian cat. This type of cat has most of the silver and white color in the lower layer and black tipping evenly on the tail, body side and back, head and ears. Tipping is a term to indicate that only the tip of the fur is colored, or in a chinchilla cat one-eighth the length of the cat's fur is black on the outside. Golden Chinchillas are the rarest cats, with the characteristics of black tipping on the kream fur. The characteristics of Chinchilla persian cats can also be identified by their eyes that are different from other types of cats, eye color that can change green or blue-green with a black frame you can use to recognize this type of persian cat. 

3. Shaded & Smoke
In general, this type of cat's color is like a solid colored cat, but you will find something different when this cat has begun to move or the fur is separated because of the wind, you will see the other side that has a color like smoke / smoke, which is silvery white. Basically, almost 50 to 80% of these cat hairs are solid colors, namely blue, black, beige, red but the rest are silvery white. The characteristics of the type of Persian cat shaded & smoke can also be recognized by the color of his eyes, which is copper.

4. Tabbies 

The term tabby itself actually refers to the patterns / patterns that exist in Persian cat fur. Basically cat fur consists of white fur with dark spots, or with stripes, or with marble. So that three different persian cat signs appear as follows: a. Tabby Mackerel People usually consider this species to be similar to a tiger, where there are several lines whose orientation is 90 degrees on the spine and the whole body b. Tabby marble The pattern is wide lines curved over the body and different from the lines on the tabby mackerel which tend to be straight. c. Patched Tabby Maybe it's strange, the name, patched / patch in Persian cats is caused because there are spots on the cat's fur and it's evenly distributed throughout the body.

5. Himalayas 

The Himalayan persian cat is one of the most popular persian cats. This type of cat has a color called the color point. Cats that have this type of color point are usually a combination / interbreeding between Persian cats and Siamese cats. Color point itself is actually a condition in which certain parts of the body are black while others are white. The black color is usually on the tail, legs, ears and face.

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