Selasa, 14 Juli 2020

offer and suggest


A : Hello B, how are you?
(Halo B, apa kabar?)
 B  :I'm fine, thank you. how about you?
(Saya baik-baik saja terima kasih. bagaimana dengan kamu?)
A : I'm fine as well, what is your occupation, B?
(Saya juga baik-baik saja, apa pekerjaanmu B?)
B : I’m a chef
(Aku seorang koki/ Juru masak)
A: Where do you work as a chef?
(Dimana kamu bekerja sebagai koki?)
B: I work in Z Hotel
(Aku bekerja di Hotel Z)
A: How long have you been working in the hotel?
(Berapa lama kamu telah bekerja di hotel?)
B: I have been working there for almost for 5 years
(Aku telah bekerja selama hampir 5 tahun)
A: May I work at your place?
(Bolehkah saya bekerja di tempat kamu?)
B: By the way that I was looking for a chef assistant, if you want you can come to the hotel tomorrow
 (ngomong ngomong aku mencari asisten koki, jika mau, kamu bisa datang ke hotel besok)
A: Of course, thanks a lot b
(Tentu saja terima kasih banyak b)
B: You're welcome, don't forget to come tomorrow morning
(sama-sama, jangan lupa datang besok pagi)
A: okay