Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020

Nicos weg review

Hello guys, I want to review a German film entitled "Nicos Weg" 

This film tells the story of a man named Nico who goes from Spain to Germany to meet his aunt. When Nico met Emma and his aunt Lisa at the airport, unfortunately Nico lost his bag after playing with Emma. Feeling sorry for Lisa to help Nico by calling her father who works as a police officer to find the address of her aunt named Yara and provide temporary housing. 

This film is very educational because there is a part where Nico learns German properly. The most helpful thing for learning German in this film is that there are no English subtitles so that we can recall the words and sentences that have been learned in grade 10

The story is interesting and simple, most of the words and sentences have been learned in grade 10 and there are new words that can be understood because they are helped by interactions between characters

Senin, 28 September 2020


Hello, my name is Dicky Dwi Dermawan, my goal is to become a pro gamer and I want to create my own esports team. because my hobby is playing games and I want to work according to my goals



Debate text 

1.Dicky Dwi D

2.Haikal Mardhi M 

3.Ibrahim Azis

4.M. Rizky Reynard N.W

 Theme : smoking should be banned

Pro 1 : I think cigarettes should be banned because there is nothing good that comes out of it. It causes pollution, it irritates people that have chronic disease, therefore smoking should be banned

Kontra 1 : well yes smoking irritates people around but ciggarete has benefits it self for the people who smokes it such as stress relievers, stimulant to imagination, helping the country's economy, and so on.

Pro 2 : Smoking is expensive – not just for smokers themselves, but for the general public as well. It is estimated that the treatment of smoking-related diseases, productivity losses to Indonesia economy and premature mortality amount to trillion losses in one year. By reducing the number of active and passive smokers, smoking bans could thus save Indonesian healthcare systems a lot of money. In consequence smokers shouldn't arbitrarily smoke without paying attention to other people around them, they should look for a smoking area or something.

Kontra 2 : then banning ciggerates is unnecessary, goverment should have just built more public smoking area or raise the price of cigar rather than banning it.

Selasa, 14 Juli 2020

offer and suggest


A : Hello B, how are you?
(Halo B, apa kabar?)
 B  :I'm fine, thank you. how about you?
(Saya baik-baik saja terima kasih. bagaimana dengan kamu?)
A : I'm fine as well, what is your occupation, B?
(Saya juga baik-baik saja, apa pekerjaanmu B?)
B : I’m a chef
(Aku seorang koki/ Juru masak)
A: Where do you work as a chef?
(Dimana kamu bekerja sebagai koki?)
B: I work in Z Hotel
(Aku bekerja di Hotel Z)
A: How long have you been working in the hotel?
(Berapa lama kamu telah bekerja di hotel?)
B: I have been working there for almost for 5 years
(Aku telah bekerja selama hampir 5 tahun)
A: May I work at your place?
(Bolehkah saya bekerja di tempat kamu?)
B: By the way that I was looking for a chef assistant, if you want you can come to the hotel tomorrow
 (ngomong ngomong aku mencari asisten koki, jika mau, kamu bisa datang ke hotel besok)
A: Of course, thanks a lot b
(Tentu saja terima kasih banyak b)
B: You're welcome, don't forget to come tomorrow morning
(sama-sama, jangan lupa datang besok pagi)
A: okay

Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

Tugas TIK,B Inggris,Seni Budaya

tugas Matmin

Tugas Matematika Minat
     - Makanan sehat dan bergizi seperti 4 sehat 5 sempurna dapat membantu tubuh meningkatkan imunitasnya
     - Perbanyak makan sayur supaya masuk zat mineral dan vitamin yang akan membuat kondisi daya tahan tubuh menjadi lebih bagus
      -Minum air putih 8 gelas per hari agar tubuh tidak kehilangan cairannya
     Jangan merokok
     - Minum vitamin c setiap pagi
     -  Makan buah-buahan agar banyak vitamin yang masuk kedalam tubuh kita
      - Selain hal diatas, jangan lupa untuk mencuci tangan sebelum makan, setelah beraktifitas, dan setelah memegang benda yang kotor agar terjauhkan dari bibit penyakit atau virus itu sendiri
Grafik Covid-19

ODP:Orang Dalam Pengawasan
PDP:Pasien Dalam Pengawasan
 Positif:Pasien terkontaminasi positif Covid-19